Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Kids Love to Swim!

We have used the pool more this summer than the previous six summers combined. Most of it has to do with Briana and William's constant requests to be taken down to the pool. Briana is working on her swimming skills and spends most of her time without the life jacket. She finally had the courage to put her whole head under water this year. So, finally Alan has had the chance to work on some of her basic swimming skills. William swims very well with his life jacket on. He jumps into the water and swims to where ever daddy and Briana are in the pool. He can actually kick very well. We make sure he always has his life vest on. He thinks he can swim just as well without it! The boy has no fear. Alyssa and I are on the sidelines this year. We actually go for walks during most of the swim time. This way I can get a little exercise in and Alyssa can enjoy the outdoors. At two months old, she is a little small to actually get into the water . . . maybe next year!!

This is about as good as she can swim without the life jacket. She still has a lot of trouble kicking.

Two year olds - one minute they are mad and cranky . . .

The next minute as happy as can be!

My little guy is such a good swimmer!!

Briana with her mask and vest! She got the mask while visiting her cousin in Vagas. William is obsessed with it and begs to have it whenever Briana gets it out to use in the pool.

William finally gets a hold of Briana's mask.

This is how Alyssa enjoys the pool!!

1 comment:

Sarah Ommen said...

I've heard that you always put a crab in water! That goes for toddlers, especially :)