Friday, May 16, 2008

Briana can not wait . . .

for her baby sister to be born. For the last few months we have been so busy on the weekends. Camping, Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, Visiting family among other things. Lately, we have slowed down or should I say that I have slowed way down and begged my husband to do the same. So a few Sundays ago I asked Briana what she wanted to do that day. Her reply, "Mom, I really want to go to the hospital and get baby sister." I told Briana that baby sister wasn't ready to come out yet. Her reply, "But I really want her to come out now!" So we decided to make some rings out of construction paper in order to count down to Alyssa's arrival. I let Briana choose the colors for the rings and help me put it together. Everyday, we remove one ring and count to see how many are left. I don't know if it has made her more patient but it has been a fun project for the two of us!! I hope her excitement about the new baby remains after we bring the baby home . . . .

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