Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm Awake!!

William is by far the best sleeping baby I have ever had. I started training him very early on using the book, On Becoming Baby Wise. I always put him down for a nap or to bed wide awake. He very rarely fusses or puts up a fight. On top of that, I trained him to "sleep in" or at least play in his bed for a while before crying or asking to get up. He would stay in his crib until 830 on most mornings and sometimes as late as 900am.

That is until a few days ago . . . . he decided to break this great pattern. He still goes down for a three hour nap, thank goodness! He still goes down for naps and bed without much of a fight. However, he has decided that his new awake time is 7am. Not too bad considering many of the horror stories other moms tell me about 445am wakings and such. So, he wakes up at 7 and starts yelling in a very loud voice, "I'm awake! I want breakfast! Mommy come get me, I'm awake!" I'm usually downstairs with Alyssa in the mornings, often times lying down on the couch trying to recover my lost sleep. This yelling is so hard to ignore! It just keeps going and going. So, I get up at 7 and go upstairs to get my baby boy out of bed. Which also means my day has officially begun. While William still remains my best sleeper he is also my highest maintenance child and while he is awake, I'm on. There is no more lying down on the couch or relaxing of any sort while he is awake. I only wish he would have discovered this new trick after Alyssa began sleeping through the night . . . . but of course it could be much worse and so much earlier in the morning than 7 so I guess I'll consider myself lucky for now. :)

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