Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Survived . .

It's almost 930 and I survived my first day alone with the kids. Thursday's are Alan's long day because he has night school till 10 or so. So, technically still going with all three on my own. Not as bad or crazy as I thought it was going to be. I think Alyssa felt sorry for me and was actually eating and sleeping on a somewhat regular schedule. Not to mention my older ones love to eat and play on their own, which helps greatly.

I even decided to go on my first trip on my own with the kids today. We went to my parents house but it was still a huge milestone for me and it was great to get out of the house!!

Of course, I'll still have to take one day at a time. Eventually, we will have to start attending our mom's group events again . . . .but for now we'll stick close to home and try and make it through the day. I'm still waiting for Alyssa to start sleeping through the night then I will really have it made!!

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