Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We decided to take a vacation to Oregon before the new baby arrives on May 22nd. We decided to leave the RV behind and get on a plane. For William this would be his very first airplane ride ever. For the most part he did very well. Daddy had his laptop loaded with the Chipmunk movie. When that died, he got out the iPod and his phone with games for the kids. William did stress out during the landing. It was particularly rough and I know I was having a hard time with motion sickness myself. I felt so bad for him because he was crying and trying to turn the airplane off by pushing the button on his seat. A nice lady sitting in front of me handed him a large bracelet in order to try and distract him and it actually worked. Briana has been on a plane a few times in her life, although I don't think she really remembers those earlier trips. She of course did very well. She loved the drink and snack service and to look at her you never would have known the plane was going through any kind of turbulence during the landing.

Looking at those happy faces, it was definitely a positive experience for both. They were even more excited when they found out we were going on the plane again to come back home!!

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