Yes, Bifocals. I always thought bifocals were just for aging people who always wore glasses and now needed further vision correction as they age. Nope, they give them to 4 year olds as well. One of Briana's vision problems is due to a lazy eye that tends to cross when she has to concentrate on items that are close. Her distance vision has apparently improved over the past year and now the opthamologist would like to fine tune her vision. Now overall, I really can't complain. Briana's vision is steadily improving.
The most difficult part of all of this for me is the fact that her vision is improving but she may never be without her glasses. When we started this process a year ago I noticed that her left eye would cross when she spoke. I kept thinking that it would go away. It did not. A few weeks later my dad mentioned the crossing and so i decided to pursue the problem with my family doctor who later gave us a referral for a pediatric opthamologist. I was actually surprised when she recommended eye glasses. I always thought Briana had good vision. I thought she was just going to recommend a patch or something to strengthen the weaker eye. Patching did come a few months later. Briana was required to wear an eye patch over her right eye in order to make her left eye work harder. This process has improved Briana's vision. She actually did very well wearing her patch 2-4 hours each day.
Now the patch is on hold and we have just ordered her bifocal lenses. Not only is there a risk of headaches as she learns to use them but now we have to teach her how to use them! I am so not looking forward to the bifocals coming in and having Briana wear them. Again, I want her vision to improve. I just didn't really realize how long this road was going to be when we first started last November. Now there is still no indication on where it will stop. At this point her vision is corrected to 20/25 with her glasses on. This basically tells me she will wear glasses permanently. Her opthamologist just wants to get rid of the crossing and work on getting her to 20/20 with the glasses on. So expnsive bifocals lenses, here we come!!